IMG 20221231 231548

Defects in Crystals

A solid consists of an aggregation of large number of small crystals, these small crystals have defects in them which are called defects in crystals. The defects in crystals are basically irregularities in the arrangement of constituent particles. Types of defects in crystals :- The defects in crystals are of mainly two types:- ( a…

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Close Packing in Crystals

In Crystals, the constituent particles are close packed and leaving the minimum vacant space. In such a situation, the entropy of crystalline material becomes minimum. Let us consider the constituent particles as identical hard spheres and build up three dimensional structure in following three steps – Close Packing in one Dimension :- There is only…

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Miller Indices

W. H. Miller in 1839 represented the planes of a crystal by a set of three integers h, k and l, called the Miller indices. To obtained the Miller indices for any crystal plane, the ratios of the intercepts made by the unit plane to those made by the given plane or its parallel plane…

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Some natural phenomena of Dispersion of light : The Rainbow, Raddish appearance of horizon at Sunrise and Sunset, Scattering of light and see the Sky blue

Dispersion of light :- Dispersion of light is the phenomenon of splitting of a beam of white light into its 7 constituent colours when passed through a transparent medium like water droplets or Prism . It was discovered by Isaac Newton in 1666 . Newton discovered that light is made up of seven different colours…

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